Date In Class Readings and Assignments
8/25 What is AI? Go over syllabus and start Ch1. Eliza: executable, original. Read 1.1. Sample discussion questions. For Wednesday: pick two of the application areas in 1.2 and be able to describe the main ideas to the class.
8/28 Start Ch2 Read the introduction to Part II. Play tic-tac-toe 10 times. If time, begin Chapter 2.
8/30 Discuss application areas, continue Ch2. Chapter 2 except section 2.2.2.Construct a semantic net to describe a family and its relations. Pick a problem that you believe is suited to state-space description. Are there any heuristics? Ch2 problems (due 9/8): 2, 3a, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 (ans).
9/4 Finish Ch 2 Bring questions on Chapter 2 problems to class next time.
9/6 Start Ch3 Ch 3 problems 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10-15. Redo 5 for BFS and DFS. 10: Replace predicate #4 by warm(saturday). Recreate the graph in Figure 3.25 and find location(fred,Z) by data-driven search. 13: parse a sample sentence using these new rules using both data driven and goal driven search.escription. Are there any heuristics? Ch2 problems (due 9/8): 2, 3a, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 (ans).
9/11 Ch2 hwk, a little PROLOG. Continue reading Chapter 3 in parallel with or ahead of class discussion. Read Part VI, pages 635-640. We will come back to 342-351 later. Begin reading Chapter 15, sections15.0 and 15.1. We will learn PROLOG in parallel with the earlier material.
9/13 Ch15 For 9/18.
9/15 Problems 7 and 8 in ch3. Is the backtracking algorithm ever better than DFS/BFS?
9/18 Finish Ch3. Tracing: 0, 1, 2, 3. Ch3 hwk due 9/22.
9/20 More PROLOG. Read Ch15 through 15.1.3. For 9/25 (sol).
9/22 Ch4. Ch4: omit 4.1.2, 4.3, 4.5. Problems: 13, 14, 17 (ans).
9/25 Ch3 due today  
9/27 Exam 1 through Ch3 available, due next Wednesday. Solution, PROLOG.  
9/29 Go over Ch3 problem 10.
10/2 Begin Ch6 Ch6 problems 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 (ans).
10/4 Exam 1 due.
10/6 Begin Ch7 Ch7 problems 2, 3 (not conceptual dependencies), 5, 6, 9-11, 14 (ans).
10/11 Discuss Ch4 problems.
10/13 Discuss Ch6 problems Ch 4 problems due
10/16 Frames
10/18 Discuss Ch7 2, conceptual graphs for 3 and 5. Ch6 problems due
10/20 More ch7. Begin Ch8 Exam/quiz 2 through chapter 7 available next week.
10/23 no class  
10/25 SWINE expert system, production system. M1. Begin to design an expert system in an area of interest to you.
10/27 Expert systems as production systems. Finish Ch 7 hwk by Monday. Ch 8: 8.1, 8.2, 8.4.1, 8.4.2 (ans).
10/30 Exam 2 due Monday, November 6. Solution. Ch 7 hwk.
11/1 Finish Ch8. Planning with Ill-Defined Resources: paper comments.
11/3 Laurence Kramer, Associate Director Intelligent Coordination and Logistics Lab, Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, Scheduling in Oversubscribed Domains: Stability vs. Dynamism (resume).
11/6 Begin Ch14. More. Ch 14: 1-7, 9 (just for adjectives) 10, 11, 12, 19 (ans).
11/10 Be prepared to discuss problems 3, 4.
11/13 Be prepared to discuss problems 5, 7.
11/15 Be prepared to discuss problems 9, 10.
11/27 Back to PROLOG. Read 15.0, 15.1, 15.2.1, 15.3. For Wed: build functions write_bottom and to test whether the top element is repeated in the stack.
11/29 Finish missionaries and cannibals. Add a member_tree funtion to tree.
12/1 Add adjectives to
12/4 Exam 3 available, due 12/11. you may send intermediate versions of PROLOG programs for comment. Exam 3 solution. #8, #9, #10.
12/6 Go over questions on hoomework or exam 3.
12/11 Final Exam (9-12 am)

PROLOG M1: zip, help, SWINE, SH, MC.

How does Mapquest work?
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Is this AI? 1.

AI Dictionary
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