Please review your proposal with respect to these questions, pasting them and
your answers into an email. Feel free to comment on any of your answers.

Y/N: I have proposed a project that I am excited about completing.

Y/N: The Executive Summary stands alone and describes my project accurately.

Y/N: Someone reading only the Executive Summary would have a good impression of the quality of my work.

Y/N: The background chapter will allow any faculty member or upper level student in MPS to understand the rest of my proposal.

Y/N: My project is feasible.

Y/N: The tasks describe the type of work and timing I anticipate.

Y/N: The task hours reflect the amount of effort I expect to spend.

Y/N: I have identified all resources that I will need and described plans to acquire them.

Y/N: I have checked the proposal for spelling and grammar.

Y/N: I have reviewed my writing for clarity and conciseness.

My proposal was reviewed by ______________________ on ______________________ She had the following impact:

If I had had more time, I would have: