Taught by: Professor Carol Shilepsky, Macmillan 104, 364-3214,
Artificial Intelligence (AI): the branch of computer
science that is concerned with automating intelligent behaviour. Ah, but what
is intelligence and does its definition remain constant?
Objective: We will learn techniques for representing knowledge/intelligence
and for exploiting these representations, emphasizing the collection of
problems and methodologies currently considered AI.
Text: Artificial Intelligence: structures
and strategies for complex problem solving by George Lugar, Addison
Wesley, 5th edition, 2005, ISBN 0-321-26318-9. This is very dense
and there is much more material than fits into a semester, but it gives the
flavor of the field and surveys the important areas well. We will cover chapters
1-5, 9, and selections from others. I recommend that you take notes on the assigned
sections. Each chapter starts with a (sometimes obscure) quote: I challenge
you to interpret them.
Working definition of AI: AI is the collection of problems and methodologies
studied by artificial intelligence researchers.