Assignment: design and implement a database management system for an application of your choice.

Deliverables: Deliverables for this project are:

  1. a project summary.
  2. a user manual.
  3. the database.
Project Summary: The following outline suggests headings and content for the required chapters and should serve as a guide for the project. You will probably add subheadings.

1: Requirements Analysis. This should describe the problem you are solving and should justify a decision to implement a database. It might start with "The following section summarizes the requirements analysis phase of an effort by (your organization) to design and develop a database management system to (describe purpose)"

1.1 Enterprise Overview. What is the enterprise: setting, goals, functions.

1.2 Problem Summary. What needs to be done to improve the enterprise operation.

1.3 Users. Who uses the information, what are their general needs? List the specific functions for each category of user. Include priviledges and restrictions. If appropriate, describe sample scenarios.

1.4 Data. What information is to be processed. Include one subsection for each category.

1.5 Implementation Environment What equipment is required? What software?

2. Database Design

2.1 Semantic Model. Describe the entities, relationships, and attributes. Include an E-R diagram. State any assumptions you make about the data. In Chapter 3, these may impact your table definitions.

2.2 Relational Model Convert your ER model to relations. If there are any functional dependencies, use them to decompose the relations into the relations that are implemented in your database.

3. Implementation.Technical documentation for your database and the applications that access your data: describe the implementation of the database in a dbms and any front-end programs that access the database. Include the SQL database definition (with appropriate integrity constraints) if you use MySQL, screen shots of the table definition for Access, ??? for Oracle. Include queries and views that you build for the different classes of user. You may wish to put these listings in an appendix.

This section should not include how to use the program (that goes in the User Manual).

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

Appendices: these should include any information that needs to be available but not part of the main text.

MS Word hints (this link does not work). (this does). Project Summary template.

User Manual: This should contain sufficient information that the intended audience may use the system without you.

Date Due
February 27 Describe your application in class. What is the information, what should the database user be able do with this information?
March 6 Hand in a draft problem statement and ER diagram. Present your semantic model in class using Actrix or other software for the ER diagram.
March 27 Chapters 1-2 draft.
April 27 Chapters 1-3 draft.
May 1 User Manual draft.
May 4-6 Project presentations.
May 8 Final project due.

Possible application areas: Any area that has information to be stored and managed can be appropriate, for example, an organization you belong to, a hobby or interest, planning an event, an area of Wells such as the computer lab or math clinic. Past projects have modeled a veterinary clinic, equipment in Wells computer lab, student information for the Dean of Students office, a car dealership.

Other: Include a table of contents in your documents. Use the spelling checker. Make your writing as clear and informative as possible. Take it to the writing clinic. I have posted copies of old projects you may wish to review below.

Grade: 20% for the intermediate products, 20% for the presentation, 60% for the final submission.

Student work 2009
Dayton Arey.
Michael Bailey.
Brandon Doughty.
Neale Petrillo.
Kelly Siegfried.
Kelly Stiadle.

Student work 2007
Allyn: Project.

Student work 2005
Holly Bolton: Project, User Manual.
Melanie Jones: Project, User Manual, Slides.