Project Documentation

Your final project documentation might include the following chapters:
  1. Introduction. An overview of the enterprise and a statement of the problem you will address. Describe the need for the system and how it fits with business objectives. This could include the results of a (hypothetical?) feasibility study conducted prior to beginning the project.
  2. Systems Models (showing system components and their relationships): the systems modeling you would develop to help elicit and explain requirements. These should include a viewpoint hierarchy to identify stakeholders and their functions. I recommend you cover each viewpoint to a subsection of functional requirements and each service in its own subsection.
  3. Requirements. The services to be provided as well as constraints on the system and the development process.
  4. Design. Include a section on the user interface.
  5. ...
Possible appendices:
  1. Glossary
  2. Detailed system models (use case descriptions, etc.)