Comments on Project Drafts, 3/10
- Where to start: introduce the problem and the system you plan to build.
Chapters 1 and 2 should be a preamble to the meat (requirements) in 3 and 4.
Concentrate on a coherent introduction to your system that gets the reader ready to
understand the requirements.
- Who is your audience? E.g. don't impose the vocabulary of the course. E.g. a context diagram is a good idea,
but you don't need to label it as such. "Figure x shows how the ABC system interfaces with..."
- What to leave out. You may have built a lot of models (process, DFD, object
hierarchy...) to help you understand the requirements but if they don't help the user
read the requirements section, they don't need to be there.
- You should, however, describe the users and the what they will do with the
system. Perhaps a viewpoint hierarchy and associated text.
- Refer to the Digicomp and McQuay documents for ideas.
- Include a table of contents and page numbers.
- Next: organizing the requirements.
- Functional: by what is done.
- Non functional: use the categories in the text.
- It is not necessary to explicitly label requirements as functional
or non functionsl (see Digicomp and McQuay).
- Try to identify categories of requirement for Chapter 3.
- Put headings in, even if you
haven't written the requirements.