Models for eliciting requirements
From Chapter 7:
  1. Viewpoint hierarchy
  2. Use case diagram and use case description
  3. Sequence diagram
From Chapter 8:
  1. Context model
  2. Process model
  3. DFD
  4. State machine
  5. Semantic model (ER-diagram)
  6. Object classes and class hierarchy
Which are useful?
Which go in your paper?

Chapter 7 models focus on how the users see the system.
Context models should contain the whole system in a single box with links to the systems with which it interfaces.
State machines should describe a state, not a process
State machines may look like design, but if they describe how a system should behave, they are requirements
Object and semantic models often look a lot more like design than requirements elicitation
Semantic models are more likely to describe a database design than requirements