CS 132 Assignment 8 1. Fill in the destructor and copy constructor functions in linkedStack. Use it in the following. 2. Modify the postfix program to allow the user to enter single digit integer numbers without the preceding #. Make the following assumptions: a. The computer prints ? and the user enters an operation or a single digit integer (no floating point). b. If the entry is an integer, it is pushed on a stack. c. If the entry is an operand (+, -, *, /) the top two operands are popped from the stack, the operation is applied, and the result is pushed back on the stack. d. When the user enters =, the result is popped from the stack and printed. e. The user never makes a mistake. For example (the computer prints the ? and the final 3): ? 1 ? 2 ? + ? = 3 Example: ? 3 ? 2 ? 4 ? + ? * ? = 18 Next: allow the user to enter floating point numbers. ? 3.5 ? 1.2 ? + ? = 2.3 Use the function readReal(float& realNumber, char numeral) to read the rest of the real number if an integer is detected as the first character. Assume that the real number is positive. * Add an appropriate form of error checking to your program to handle incorrect user input.